This is the team behind EACO, Inc.

EACO, Inc. Officers, Past and Present 2006-current

Thanks for your services.


Mr Joseph Rukanshagiza PhD, President
Dr. Mike Kiyabo, Vice President
Ms Ruth Kakande, Secretary General
Ms Mary Koroso, Treasurer
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Financial Secretary
Ms Janice Mwapaga, Director Education and Arts


Ms Jessica Mutahanamilwa, President
Mr George Balinda, Vice President
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Secretary General
Mr Wilfred Bosire, Treasurer
Ms Mary Moore, Financial Secretary
Ms Mary Koroso, Director Planning and Special Events
Ms Millah Musungu, Director Education and Arts
Mr Sebagala Sseng’endo, Director Publicity and Communications
Mr Peter Kimuli, Director Social Welfare and Community Development



Mr Robert Ndede, President
Dr. Mike Kiyabo, Vice President
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Secretary General
Ms Alice Ngowi, Treasurer
Ms Mary Koroso, Director Planning and Special Events
Janice Mwapaga, Director Education and Culture
Mr Cosmas Munandi, Finance Committee
Mr Peter Kimuli, Director Social Welfare and Community Development
Prof. Kakumba, Electoral Committee
Zeeky Bukhala, Internal Program and Financial Audit



Mr Amos Okoth, President
Ms Esther Brown, Vice President
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Secretary General
Ms Millah Musungu, Treasurer
Mr George Balinda, Financial Secretary
Vacant, Director Planning and Special Events


Mr George Balinda, President
Mr Zeeky Bhukala, Vice President
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Secretary General
Ms Alice Ngowi, Treasurer
Mr Daniel Sebagala Sengendo, Financial Secretary
Ms Mary Koroso, Director Planning and Special Events
Vacant, Director Education and Arts
Mr Cosmas Munandi, Director Publicity and Communication
Mr Peter Kimuli, Director Social Welfare and Community Development


Dr. Moses Kamya, President
Mr Flex Omolo, Vice President
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Secretary General
Ms Alice Ngowi, Treasurer


Dr Moses Kamya, President
Mr Cosmos Munandi, Vice President
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Secretary General
Ms Alice Ngowi, Treasurer


Mr Cosmos Munandi, President
Ms Jessica Mutahanamilwa, Vice President
Mr Godfrey Mubiru, Secretary General
Ms Millah Musungu, Treasurer (2019-2021)

Ms Alice Mwandambo, Treasurer (2021-current)